> Hello
> I've browsed over the wicket documentation and examples. There are a
> couple of things I don't seem able to determine. So I would really
> appreciate your input on this questions.
> 1. Can I write a web application without coding any HTML
> I mean, is there some kind of "html" or "whole page" component which
> renders an entire HTML page?

You need to use something like Echo2 or Echo3 to write pure Java web
apps with no HTML whatsoever. All the HTML and all the AJAX is
completely transparent to the developer - it's more like writing a
desktop app than a web app which has benefits if you come from a
Java/C++ background and some disadvantages if you like having the power
to hack around with HTML and Javascript code.

With wicket you're still in control of the markup (HTML) which means you
have to write it but it's pretty straightforward. There is support for a
single section of markup to be overridden (inheritance) from a base page
markup to a derived page markup which means you can perform some level
of markup reusability at the page level. On some occasions I've found
the need to have multiple sections in a base markup to be 'overridable'
in a derived markup pages but this is not yet possible as far as I know.

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