On Mon, 18 Aug 2008, Patrick Angeles wrote:
> Does it make sense to have outputMarkupId default to true for FeedbackPanel?
> Use case:
> somePanel.add (new OnChangeAjaxBehavior() {
>   protected void onUpdate (AjaxRequestTarget target) {
>     // do stuff, 
>     Session.get().info ("did stuff");
>     target.addChildren (getPage(), FeedbackPanel.class) ;
>   }
> });
> This code will work from anywhere in the component hierarchy, regardless of
> which component added the  feedbackpanel, without the owning component
> having to call feedback.setOutputMarkupId(true)...
> I could just as well subclass FeedbackPanel but this seems like a common
> enough case that it makes sense to build it into the core...

With a suitable IComponentInstantiationListener you can
probably achieve the wanted behavior in your own

All my Wicket applications are very ajaxy, but maybe there
is someone out there that is still doing the traditional
whole- page-request stuff :) And a lot of defaults on Wicket
are still based on that. 

It's kind of an established standard that by default,
outputMarkupId is false, so in 1.3 or 1.4 I don't see it
could be changed. Later on, if the change is made, maybe it
would be better to change the default for all Components and
not just FeedbackPanel.

What do others think?

Best wishes,

Timo Rantalaiho           
Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >

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