Anyone know how to solve this? 


steviezz wrote:
> Wicket 1.3.4.  
> I have a Page (ThingListing) containing an AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable -
> created like: 
>     private WebMarkupContainer listContainer = new
> WebMarkupContainer("listContainer");
>     private MySortableDealProvider dataProvider; 
>     private Thing thing = null;
>     public ThingListing(PageParameters params) {
>              // this is a reload from the CRUD page
>                    if (params != null) {
> setThing(getThingManager().findById(params.getString("thingId")));
>            }
>              // else load everything 
>     ...
>     dataProvider = new SortableDealDataProvider(getThingManager(), thing);
>     String sort = params.getString("sort");
>     Boolean isAscending = params.getBoolean("ascending");
>     dataProvider.setSort(sort, isAscending);
>     ... 
>     listContainer.add(new AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable("mything", columns,
> dataProvider, TABLE_ROWS));
> I add an AbstractColumn to the AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable to handle
> forwarding to a page to do CRUD work on the selected item from the table -
> like : 
>                columns.add(new AbstractColumn(new Model("Edit")) {
>                       public void populateItem(Item cellItem, String 
> componentId, IModel
> model) {
>                               cellItem.add(new ActionPanel(componentId, 
> model));
>                       }
>                       public String getCssClass() {
>                               return "edit";
>                       }
>               });
> ....
>             class ActionPanel extends Panel {
>               public ActionPanel(String id, IModel model) {
>                       super(id, model);
>                       add(new Link("edit") {
>                               public void onClick() {
>                                       Integer thingId = ((Thing) 
> getParent().getModelObject()).getId();
>                                       PageParameters params = new 
> PageParameters();
>                                       params.put("thingId", thingId);
>                                       params.put("sort", 
> dataProvider.getSort().getProperty());
>                                       params.put("ascending", 
> dataProvider.getSort().isAscending());
>                                       setResponsePage(ThingEdit.class, 
> params);
>                               }
>                       });
>               }
>       }
> Note - I am attempting to pass the id of the selected row in the table,
> plus the sort column, and the ascending direction to the CRUD page. 
> The ThingEdit CRUD page takes all the page params from the ThingListing
> page, does normal CRUD work, then passes back all the params back into the
> main listing page constructor so that when the listing page reloads, it
> maintains its state (main selection criteria, sort column, sort order)
> from the page the user selected before triggering the CRUD page - eg: 
>     public class ThingEdit  {
>         private PageParameters pageParams; 
>       public ThingEdit(PageParameters p) {
>             pageParams = p; 
>             ...
>         }
>        ...
>        private void addCancelButton(Form form) {
>            Button cancel = new Button("cancelbutton") {
>                  public void onSubmit() {
>                         setResponsePage(ThingListing.class, pageParams);
>                    }
>             };
>             cancel.setDefaultFormProcessing(false);
>             form.add(cancel);
>       }
> However, I can't work out how to go back to the page number that the user
> was on before he loaded the CRUD page.  That is, if the user was on page 3
> of 20, then after clicking a record to edit goes to the CRUD page, then he
> goes back to the listing the correct order and sort are maintaine, but
> he's always at page 1 of 20 instead of page 3. 
> I have tried manually setting the ThingSortableDataProvider.iterator()
> first and count and with additional page params - but this just ends up
> with it being called twice - once with my page params, and again by the
> default 0 and count.
> So, any way to make this work?  
> I think am probably still missing the point with Wicket (can't really get
> my head around Models) and revert to attempting to use page params and
> manually adding to session to pass data from one page to another and back
> again.  
> Steve

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