Hi all,


first of all, I want to ask how the CompundPropertyModel replaces the
BoundCompoundPropertyModel? How can I bind something?  Before it was
model.bind(Component, String), now it´s only model.bind(String)? What
Component is bound? How?  Don´t get that  L





regF.add(new AjaxFallbackButton("submitButton", regF) {


                  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;



                   * @see

                   *      org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form)



                  protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form
form) {





So Form is here unparameterized(?) and would work, but I have to cast the
ModelObject. If I parameterize(?) the Form Eclipse says I have to override
something, what I don´t do… says Eclipse.

If I remove the @Override Eclipse says it has the same result-Type as a
given method so I have to override it?


Can anyone help me out of this?




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