Damn, you be starboard! Removin' t' only known unserializable booty
from me base page class immediately solved t' problem. I bow before
your mightyness, captain!

Kristof Threapwood

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 11:41 AM, Martijn Dashorst
> Avast! Did ye check furr t' nasty serialization errs? Them could sink
> a mighty ship and cause them pesky expiration pages.
> Capt'n McDasmans
> (t'is Internation'l Talk Like a pirate day t'day matey!)
> http://talklikeapirate.com
> On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Kristof Jozsa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'd love to use setResponsePage(Page) (so redirecting to a concrete
>> page instance instead of a page class) on handling standard (non-ajax)
>> links in my application. I found it very handy to use the actual model
>> objects in their current state, instantiate the new page object
>> passing the current models and set them as the response page, like
>> this:
>> public void onClick() {
>>    setResponsePage(new MySubPage(anyCurrentModelObject));
>> }
>> Unfortunately, every time I use the back button and trying to click on
>> links again, I get a page expiration. Is there any way around this?
>> I don't claim this being a problem, there might be a rational reason
>> for this behaviour, but passing current model objects this way would
>> be much more handy than using page parameters and rebuilding models on
>> the new page from scratch. Can I somehow accomplish this?
>> thanks,
>> Kristof
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