On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 11:20 PM, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> aspectj is pretty cool, but its expression language is somewhat
> limited. for example salve allows
> public void somefunction(@NotNull Integer a, @NotEmpty String b) {}
> aspectj, at least when i started salve, did not have an expression
> that would let you match a function if its argument was annotated with
> a specific annot.

Point taken.  I'm not sure about this particular case, but I know the
annotation support for AspectJ has been improved.

> also i need things like removing/adding fields and contributing to
> clinit. aspectj is great for quickly matching on something and then
> adding something around, not for complex bytecode manipulation.

AspectJ can add in fields, but it's not good at adding in a
dynamically-generated set of fields.

> i started out writing salve with javassist, but i got tired of writing
> java code in strings. i wanted to be in complete control of bytecode
> to make sure it was as efficient as possible so in the end i learned a
> bit about bytecode and ended up using ASM.

Javassist can be a big PITA at first.  The HiveMind project has helper
classes around it to assist with stuff, but it was still confusing.
That's one of the reasons I wrote Apache Commons Proxy, so I wouldn't
have to write another bit of Javassist to do proxying! :)

Thanks for taking the time to discuss.  I'm going to have to check out
Salve a bit more in-depth.  It's going into my Geek Queue! :)

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