just noticed I forgot to add the behavior to the link, but still the javascript does not show up..

Serkan Camurcuoglu wrote:
How can I modify the onclick attribute of the links in the AjaxPagingNavigator? I override newPagingNavigationLink in my ajax paging navigator as shown below, but my javascript is not prepended. I want to add JQuery fadeout code before wicketAjaxGet:

protected Link newPagingNavigationLink(String arg0, IPageable arg1, int arg2) { AjaxPagingNavigationLink l = (AjaxPagingNavigationLink) super.newPagingNavigationLink(arg0, arg1, arg2); String onClickJavascript = "jQuery('#"+topContainer.getMarkupId()+"').fadeOut('slow');"; AttributeModifier am = new AttributeModifier("onclick", new Model(onClickJavascript)) {
protected String newValue(String current, String replacement) {
               // prepend javascript before ajax call..
               return replacement + current;
       return l;

Serkan Camurcuoglu wrote:
Hi all,
I want to add some decoration to AjaxPagingNavigator. I want the current page to fade out and the new page to fade in when the user clicks next. I'm thinking of using JQuery for effects. Can anybody show me some pointers to achieve this?

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