looks like a bug, go ahead and open a jira issue


On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 12:40 AM, Sergey Podatelev
> Hello,
> I have my HTML pages configured to be served as XML files, specifically, I
> use XHTML1.1 Strict doctype in HTML files and I send a
> "Content-type:application/xhtml+xml" header (for the browsers that support
> that content-type, that in other words, non-IEs).
> The problem is, on MultiFileUploadPage I got a javascript error saying
> "Error: not a file input elemen".
> This happens because in
> org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.upload.MultiFileUploadField.js @ line 64,
> this check fails:
> if( element.tagName == 'INPUT' && element.type == 'file' ){
> This happens because in XML, element.tagName is 'input', not 'INPUT'.
> Once I've corrected this, everything went back to normal.
> If this isn't a bug, could someone please tell me, what is the best way to
> override this javascript file?

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