Ok I re-read the javadoc for the GuiceInjectorHolder and found out I had to use it as a MetaDataKey, so I did that in my application:

public void init() {
   //initialization code
   Injector injector = Guice.createInjector();
setMetaData(GuiceInjectorHolder.INJECTOR_KEY, new GuiceInjectorHolder(injector));

public void someMethod() {
Injector injector = ((GuiceInjectorHolder) getMetaData(GuiceInjectorHolder.INJECTOR_KEY)).getInjector();

I was thinking about adding a GuiceComponentInjector to my application, but I'm not using guice with wicket so I don't think I need that, any suggestion?

Edgar Merino

Edgar Merino escribió:

I need to hold a reference to a Guice injector inside my WebApplication, however since the injector is not serializable I tried using a GuiceInjectorHolder and keeping a reference to it in my WebApplication, but I'm still getting serialization exceptions when redeploying my application. Why didn't it work? what should I do in this case to keep a reference to my Guice injector? Thanks in advance.

Edgar Merino

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