Hi all,

I'm currently working on a web application that requires Persons to be added/removed to/from a UserGroup. What I have in mind is much like the Palette component, but with added functionality:

a) a left hand list with all unselected Persons , a right hand list with selected Persons, and buttons to move Persons from left to right and vice versa, supporting Ctrl/Shift+click behavior to make selections.
b) each item in the list shows firstName and lastName, as tabular data.
c) up/down sorting behavior on each property that is displayed (in this case: firstName and lastName), for both lists.

a) is basically Palette. But b) does not go well with Palette, since the <option> tag in Palette is not allowed (w3c) to take any additional html such as <tr> and <td>. To display tabular data, I could use a DataView, which would work nicely with c) using OrderByBorders. But alas: DataView does not support the Ctrl/Shift+click behavior that I need.

As they say: pictures say more then 1000 words. So I'll skip the other 800 or so words and attach a screenshot of what I'd like to make :) The image contains some Dutch text, which I'll gladly translate if necessary.

My actual questions:
- Has anyone tried this before, either successful or unsuccessful?
- Which components would you use to create something that does all this?
- If this combination of functionality seems impossible to merge into one component, which functionality would you drop to create "the next best thing"?

Thanks in advance,
Rommert de Bruijn

Rommert de Bruijn
Func. Internet Integration
W http://www.func.nl
T +31 20 4230000
F +31 20 4223500

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