Hi Daniele

Provide your code, java and html cutout, it's clearly not similar then it would work..

Daniele Dellafiore wrote:
Hi all.

I am using an OnChangeAjaxBehavior on a textField to filter contents
of a table.
My code is very similar to this example:

The problem I have is that the first input character is received and I
can get it in the onUpdate method of the Behavior. Then it stops
sending event, the wicket ajax debug console confirm that nothing is
sent anymore. If I remove and give the focus back to the field, I
receive a new character, and only one again.

Here is the debug console output for the first char I receive.

INFO: focus removed from
INFO: focus set on filter5
INFO: Initiating Ajax POST request on
INFO: Invoking pre-call handler(s)...
INFO: Received ajax response (261 characters)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ajax-response><component
id="authors6" ><![CDATA[<table id="authors6">


    <tr class="headers">





INFO: Response parsed. Now invoking steps...
INFO: Response processed successfully.
INFO: Invoking post-call handler(s)...
INFO: Calling focus on filter5
INFO: focus removed from filter5

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Nino Martinez Wael
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