Yeah, I must say im looking forward to getting Wicket-1327 a reality too..

Wayne Pope wrote:

Francisco and I here where discussing whether we could figure a way of
having some form of static/compile time checking on our
(Compound)PropertyModels, as I'm a bit concerned long term about some nasty
runtime bugs that might slip through the testing coverage. Francisco found
this thread - I'm wondering what the status is? I had a look at:

and there doesn't look like any activity since Feb. Anyone been using this
or come up with a different solution?

Ideally I think it would be just great if we had an eclipse plugin that
could just check for this (a bit like checkstyle or something) but a runtime
solution as proposed above seems really smart as well. However I'd rather
keep is 100% java (ie not cglib) if possible.

Thanks for any update if anyone knows anything!

Johan Compagner wrote:
no i really dont like that
then everywhere there code they need to do that, that is not an option.
and they have to program themselfs agains the proxy api. I dont want that
developers also have the learn/do that
This is something commons-proxy needs to do

On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 3:29 PM, James Carman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Couldn't you also do:

ProxyFactory pf = ...;
new SharedPropertyModel<Customer>(pf, customer);

So, the client tells you what proxy factory implementation to use.

On 3/8/08, James Carman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I see the JIRA, I'll go ahead and start the discussion on the dev list.

 On 3/8/08, James Carman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > On 3/8/08, Johan Compagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > > for wicket this is a feature it really should have
 >  >  now it defeats the purpose i have to make a decission in wicket
 >  >  factory i use
 >  >  Then i can just as well directly compile against cglib.
 >  >  I cant make the api that way that the developer has to give that
factory to
 >  >  use. That would be completely horrible,
 >  >
 > You could always implement your own brand of discovery for your
 >  project (perhaps by using the service discovery feature built into
 >  jdk).
 >  I like the idea of splitting it (and doing it the slf4j way rather
 >  than the JCL way).  I have actually suggested that we start an
 >  exploratory branch of JCL to make it work more like slf4j (we've
 >  talking about this since 2005).  Anyway, if you file a JIRA issue,
 >  I'll make sure we have a discussion with the other devs.  For your
 >  immediate purposes, commons-discovery is available also.

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-Wicket for love

Nino Martinez Wael
Java Specialist @ Jayway DK
+45 2936 7684

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