On Tue, 28 Oct 2008, itayh wrote:
> I have a page that contain a hidden form. When the user press on "Add Item"
> or "Edit Item" then I set the visability of the form to true and the user
> can add details and the OK button save the data and set the visability of
> the form to false.
> The problem is if the user press on cancel. I need to set
> setDefaultFormProcessing(false) for the cancel button (since I don't want to
> do validation checks) but It cause the next problem:
> After the cancel press next time I press the "Add Item" or "Edit Item" the
> data that I see is the old data (The one I press cancel on)
> Changing setDefaultFormProcessing(true) for the cancel fix that problem.

Maybe you could change the cancel button

> addItemForm.add(new Button("cancel", new Model("Cancel")) {
>     public void onSubmit() {
>       onCanceItem();
>     }
> }.setDefaultFormProcessing(false));

to be a Link in Wicket? That way it would definitely not
submit any form data to the server, so nothing should be
stored in between requests.

Best wishes,

Timo Rantalaiho           
Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >

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