Hi Uwe,

this is exactly the reason why we have wicketstuff-prototype:


IMHO we could use something similar for mootools.


Uwe Schäfer schrieb:

forgive me, if this topic is a dead horse already, but it really bugs me that this does not seem to be sorted out. i´m just wondering why there isn´t a project like org.wicketstuff.javascript.mootools/jquery/extjs/whatever

the story: i was just implementing some mini behaviour using mootools when i found, that after packaging it nicely in a seperate project, it broke another mootools based behaviour used on a page that combined the two. no suprise there, as they use different versions of mootools. the obvious solution is: ripping the dependency out in a seperate project and make both use this one. (assuming backward compatibility is reliable)

so, what do i learn from that? there should be *one single* source for mootools-header-contributions that any behaviour implementor is invited to use in order to prevent scripts form being loaded more than once on a single page (due to coming from different resources) and to give the user (or his maven or whatever he uses for dependency resolution) of these behaviours a chance of choosing the version.

yes, i know... maintaining could be work, but it is bearable to at least have all major versions of the bigger JS toolkits bundled together with a simple class defining resources to use those things.

to make it crystal clear: this is just about providing a single access point for using these scripts, not wrapping them with wicket components.

bad idea?

cu uwe

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