plenty threads in the archives on uploading and ajax, you just have to search.


On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 9:48 AM, Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail
> Hi all I have an issue submitting a file in IE. It is kind of an evolving
> problem and is getting out of hand, I'm sure there is an easier solution.
> First of all. I have an ajax ModalWindow that pops up and shows a label and
> and the file input. This didn't upload anything on any browser, I guess
> because nested forms are replace with divs and for some reason did not
> submit as multipart.
> this is the evolving part. :-)
> After that, I'll tried an alternative that is working on Firefox but not on
> IE, which was to add a multipart form on my page and another one on the
> ModalWindow, and with an ajaxlink I Add the following JS code, that clones
> the file-input of the ModalWindow to the Pages Form and then submits the
> Pages Form. This works but not on IE.
> Here is the intricate solution:
>         @Override
>         public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget cAjaxRequestTarget) {
>            String sFormId;
>            String sFileInputId;
>            MainPage cMainPage = (MainPage) cAjaxRequestTarget.getPage();
>            sFormId = cMainPage.getImportForm().getMarkupId();
>            sFileInputId =
> cMainPage.getImportForm().getFileUploadField().getMarkupId();
>            String sSubmitScript = "" +
>                  "var cImportForm = document.getElementById('" + sFormId +
> "');\n" +
>                  "var cImportFileInput = document.getElementById('" +
> sFileInputId + "');\n" +
>                  "var cFileInput = document.getElementById('" +
> cUploadField.getMarkupId() + "');\n" + //cUploadField is the FileInput from
> the current ModalWindow that holds the ajax-link (whos onClick I'm
> overriding)
>                  "var sValue = cFileInput.value;\n" +
>                  "if (typeof(sValue)!=\"undefined\" && sValue.length>5) {"
> +
>                  "   var cClone = cFileInput.cloneNode(true);\n" +
>                  "  var sName =;\n" +
>                  " = sName;\n" +
>                  "
>  cImportFileInput.parentNode.removeChild(cImportFileInput);\n" +
>                  "  cImportForm.appendChild(cClone);\n" +
>                  "  cImportForm.submit();\n" +
>                  "}";
>            cAjaxRequestTarget.appendJavascript(sSubmitScript);
>         }
> As the Subject, what I need is to submit a file from an Ajax ModalWindow. Is
> this possible?
> Thanks,
> f(t)

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