I'm not sure I understand your problem.  I quickly got it working (I think)
the way you wanted using Wicket's built in classes.  Maybe I misunderstood
you.  Here were the steps I took:

   1. Took your quickstart and got it in Eclipse
   2. Changed FormCustom to Form
   3. Changed AjaxFallbackButtonCustom to AjaxFallbackButton
   4. added .setDefaultFormProcessing(false) on the checkAvailButton
   5. PROFIT!

Below, I have pasted the updated HomePage class.  Please let me know if I
didn't understand - but when I run it, it only calls the onSubmit of the
checkAvailButton.  Then, when I click the submitButton, it does both submit
button and form onSubmit.

Jeremy Thomerson

package com.musictramp;
import org.apache.wicket.PageParameters;
import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget;
import org.apache.wicket.ajax.markup.html.form.AjaxFallbackButton;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextField;
import org.apache.wicket.model.Model;

public class HomePage extends WebPage {
 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
 public HomePage(final PageParameters parameters) {
  Form form = new Form("form"){
   protected void onSubmit() {
    System.out.println(">>> form onSubmit() called...");
    // do usual stuff

  form.add(new TextField("username", new
  form.add(new Label("checkAvailLabel", new
  AjaxFallbackButton afb = new AjaxFallbackButton("checkAvailButton", form)
   protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {
    System.out.println(">>> checkAvailButton onSubmit() called...");
    // Let's see if the username is available.
    // Pretend we are checking a DB that tells us the name "wicket" is
    TextField tfUsername = (TextField) form.get("username");
    String username = "";
    if (tfUsername.getModelObject() != null) {
     username = tfUsername.getModelObject().toString();

    Label checkAvailLabel = (Label) form.get("checkAvailLabel");
    boolean usernameAcceptable = false;
    if (username.equals("")) {
     checkAvailLabel.setDefaultModelObject("Please enter username!");
    } else {
     // Here's where we would check our DB to see if the username is taken
or not:
     if (username.equals("wicket")) {
        "Username taken, please select a different one."
     } else {
        "Yes that username is available!"
      usernameAcceptable = true;
    if (target != null) {
     if (usernameAcceptable) {
     } else {

  form.add(new TextField("email", new Model("")).setOutputMarkupId(true));

   new AjaxFallbackButton("submitButton", form) {
    protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {
     System.out.println(">>> submitButton onSubmit() called...");
     // do whatever stuff necessary.




On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 8:31 PM, jpswain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As far as I can tell--and I realize there is a good chance I have missed
> something--even with nested forms or buttons set to
> setDefaultFormProcessing(false) there is no way to create a functionality
> like the Gmail sign-up page with it's "Check Availability" button.
> Basically what I'm trying to do is this:
> -------
> Username: ________ [button: checkAvailability] [label: "available: yes or
> no"]
> Pass 1: _________
> Pass 2: _________
> Email Addr: _________
> (etc....)
> [submit button: createAccount(submits form, with validators; on success
> redirects to new "Yippee, account created!" page)]
> --------
> The idea here is that pressing the checkAvailability button results in an
> Ajax request that responds with the label indicating to the user if this
> username is available or not.  This should NOT call the whole form's
> onSubmit().  Pressing enter in any text input field here will submit the
> whole form (this is how Gmail Sign-up does it).
> The problem I encountered is that, unlike with the non-Ajax class Button,
> AjaxFallbackButton and AjaxButton do not get anything out of a TextField on
> when accessed from the Ajax(Fallback)Button's onSubmit() field in instances
> where the whole form is not submitted.  The non-Ajax button does require,
> it
> should be noted, a call to someTextField.updateModel(), which works fine,
> but when someTextField.updateModel() is used with the Ajax(Fallback)Button,
> then you get a NullPointerException.
> I did find a way around this however.  The Button class, which of course
> includes the AjaxFallbackButton and AjaxButton classes that directly
> inherit
> from it, has a delegateSubmit() method that can be overridden.  The javadoc
> for Wicket's Button class says:
> When you add a Wicket Button to a form, and that button is clicked, by
> default the button's onSubmit method is called first, and after that the
> form's onSubmit method is called. If you want to change this (e.g. you
> don't
> want to call the form's onSubmit method, or you want it called before the
> button's onSubmit method), you can override Form.delegateSubmit.
> Therefore to take advantage of this I created two classes:
> AjaxFallbackButtonCustom and FormCustom.  One good thing is that FormCustom
> will handle the all other components the same as before.
>  AjaxFallbackButton
> custom implements the interface SubmitControl which is required so that the
> FormCustom knows it can check whether or not it should submit the whole
> form
> when the button is used.
> Once you are using both of these, you can perform Ajax requests where you
> retrieve text from a TextField or TextArea without submitting a whole form
> as you previously could not.
> I hope I have explained this somewhat clearly.  I have included a link to a
> quickstart demonstrating this with the classes and interface I created.
> With the quickstart I have put in some println's to make it easy to follow
> what's being called and when.
> Please let me know if I have missed an easier way to do this, or if any of
> you committers would be interested in working this funcitonality into the
> Wicket codebase.
> http://cosmiao.com/jps/wicket-quickstart.zip
> It is all demonstrated on the Home page.
> Thanks,
> Jamie
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://www.nabble.com/Wicket---Ajax%28Fallback%29Button-and-Form---possible-solution-to-problem-tp20373644p20373644.html
> Sent from the Wicket - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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