If wicket cannot do it, try http://tuckey.org/urlrewrite/

2008/11/19 Leszek Gawron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello
> I would like to achieve the following url space:
> / redirects to /form
> /form - home page with a from
> /form?something - followup of a home page's form
> /resources/*.css
> /resources/*.jpg - resources served from <webapp root>/resources
> /<id> - SomePage with <id> in PageParamters
> I know it would be a lot easier if I could do /somePage/<id> but
> unfortunately the requirement is different.
> How can I achieve something like this without rewritng 90% of wicket's url
> matching logic ?
>        lg
> --
> Leszek Gawron
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