ahhh, didnt catch that you were doing that..

Ned Collyer wrote:
I'm going to be sourcing the labelText from a properties file relatve to the
class of the modelObject (in this case it will be the User - eg,

If I use the binding, then I need to have scope to the CPM in java world...
within the LabelledTextField - which is a shame, because it just makes it
less convenient to use like other regular form components where you do not
have to pass in the model if the form has CPM (eg, standard TextField)

Nino.Martinez wrote:
Hi Ned

you can call bind on the compound property model..

labelText = new Label("labelText", CPM.bind("propertyname"));

You can also do this for your property models btw...

-Wicket for love

Nino Martinez Wael
Java Specialist @ Jayway DK
+45 2936 7684

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