
I have some injection related issues in my wicket application.

1. My session hold a bean (managed by the spring container) that is passed
to it on construction of the session. It is not a Serializable object (some
of the interfaces that this object is using are spring interfaces and not
serializable by themselves) and in any case I would not like this object to
be serialized by wicket.

This object is not injected directly to the session since it depends on some
parameters provided in the http request.

Will it be ok to plug into the session's deserializing method and get this
object not to be null?

2. My authentication uses a proprietary User  class that uses AOP with the
@Configurable annotation. After invalidating the session (user loggs out)
any other user trying to login seems to run into problems that are caused
from the fact that it seems AOP is not working anymore on this class and the
objects supposed to be injected into it are not injected anymore. When I
restart my wicket application (on tomcat) after clearing the tomcat saved
caches...all seems to be ok....until the next time. What might cause spring
to stop injecting the objects using AOP?


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