the problem is that the enum would have to live *inside* the
wicketstuffauth code. so wicketstuffauth would be the library that
would need to define the enum - and it doesnt know about your
application specific roles. at least this was the issue when it was
first being designed. i havent really looked at it since than.


On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 11:12 AM, Casper Bang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No but an application is designed for a given number of roles, what would
> you possibly accomplish by adding new roles without editing source code and
> account for the new behavior you are putting in?
> Seems to me the application would always need to be revised to work with
> these new roles (say modify web-pages annotations) no-matter if you do it
> with strings or enums. Anyway, perhaps I am being anal about it, but it
> doesn't strike me as fitting the Wicket philosophy I've picked up in other
> corners of the API. I was hoping for consensus that it would be beneficial
> to make it type-safe since it is part of a very visible and convenient API,
> but I'll try to write my own Enum version instead then.
> Thanks,
> Casper
> Igor Vaynberg wrote:
>> because you cannot add custom enum values without editing source code.
>> there is a version implemented using classes in wicketstuff somewhere.
>> -igor
>> On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 10:33 AM, Casper Bang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> What attracts me to Wicket is how it tries to do as much in type-safe
>>> Java
>>> code as possible, so I was a bit surprised with the finding that the
>>> org.apache.wicket.authorization stuff is not based upon Enum and EnumSet
>>> but
>>> rather type-unsafe string tokens.
>>> Are there good reasons for this design that outweighs the benefits of
>>> having
>>> code completion and static verification? (Extendability, decoupling,
>>> transitive relationships, runs on Java 1.4 etc.)
>>> Also, before I delve deeper into it, would it be a trivial matter to
>>> write a
>>> type safe version?
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Casper
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