On Thu, 27 Nov 2008, kan wrote:
> I have a MyPojo with property java.util.Date someDate
> I use CompoundPropertyModel<MyPojo>
> Now I add components on my page, like add(new Label("someDate")) and
> it automagically uses IConvertor to convert from Date to string.
> But in some places of web-site I need print only "27/11/2008", in some
> places better will be "2 days ago", in some places "27/11/2008
> 16:53:34 UTC" and so on.
> What is an elegant way to specify a format in particular piece of code?

I'm not sure if it's elegant, but you can do

  add(new Label("someDate") {
      public IConverter getConverter(Class type) {
          return new FooDateConverter();

If these cases get repeated a lot, you can make named top-level
subclasses of Label for them. Or a generic custom component
with what you can do

  add(new DateLabel("someDate").setDateConverter(new FooDateConverter()));

Best wishes,

Timo Rantalaiho           
Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >

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