Please help (documentation references, etc) with good ways to work with
Wicket where we have separate UI and dev teams.  I'm looking for any
practices people have found helpful because of the UI surprises we keep

For example, our UI group has been inserting graphics and regular links
between parts of our site.  We're able to work through things fairly well,
but there's a case where Wicket adds behavior and/or styling in unexpected

This is something where I would like the UI people to be able to create
graphics and internal links at will without creating Java components or
involving developers.  (We'll try avoiding wicket:link.)  Another example of
surprise is when UI team creates links and Wicket changes the styling (eg.
disabling self-referential link and adding the "em" tag).  Thankfully we
figured how to turn that off, but it took effort; I'd love to be able to
turn off all special rules like that, or somehow tell Wicket minimize

I'm trying to maximize our UI team's ability to work independently on
look-and-feel and only involve developers when the functionality is
obviously dynamic.  Maybe it'll take a few more months of trial and error,
but we appreciate any suggestions to ease this process.  Thanks!


My first cut at such a list:

   - Emphasize and re-emphasize to UI people NOT to play with wicket:id
   values.  Ever.  :-)
   - Avoid wicket:link.  Try full url "?wicket:bookmarkablePage=:....Page"
   instead.  (Other options?)
   - Disable automatic self-referential link styling, or understand it:

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