Thanks Martijn,

   You have changed a bit the direction I was thinking about it in.
The rest is to apply all this in practice :)


On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 12:13 PM, Martijn Dashorst
<> wrote:
> If you click a link in an email message, it opens up your browser as
> it tries to render the response from the url.
> It is nice if you can then continue working in the application. I
> suggest a page that says "Thank you for your vote, it counts" in a
> friendly message.
> Martijn
> On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 12:07 PM, Vitaly Tsaplin
> <> wrote:
>>   Thank you, Martijn, for your response!
>>   Now it's more or less clear how to deal with links to profiles. But
>> what about voting for instance. Should I use a plain servlet in
>> parallel with the wicket stuff or wicket can provide me with something
>> a bit higher? Because this kind of functionality wouldn't be attached
>> to any page. It would be modifying a database only. Basically when you
>> click on the link provided for a voting in the email you receive your
>> voice will be counted somehow in a database without opening a page. I
>> am a bit lost where to dig for.
>>   Vitaly
>> On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 11:39 AM, Martijn Dashorst
>> <> wrote:
>>> generate a user specific hash, based on some data (time, userid, etc)
>>> store it with the user in your database and put the hash in a page
>>> parameter. urlFor(Page.class, PageParameters) will generate the
>>> appropriate url for your email.
>>> Martijn
>>> On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 10:24 AM, Vitaly Tsaplin
>>> <> wrote:
>>>>   Hi there,
>>>>   The simplest example is a link for accessing a user profile. It's
>>>> unique and once clicked should cause opening a user profile. Or what
>>>> even more interesting is the links that are generated for performing
>>>> some specific actions like for a voting when the user by clicking on
>>>> the link can vote and he/she is authorized only for performing this
>>>> action.
>>>>   Probably this subject was discussed already so just point me out if it 
>>>> is.
>>>>   Vitaly
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