
> Component: TextField
> Required:     True
> Type:          String
> Length:        30
> Order:          2      (The order in which it needs to be displayed on the
> form)
> Defaul Value: "some value"
> ....and so on.
> An entry can also define a compound component (like a Wicket panel component
> made up of simple components).
> So for each entry in the array,the Swing app instantiates, configures, and
> adds each component on a Swing Panel. 
> So I'm sure this can be done in Wicket but I would need to wrap every
> possible component (and compound component) on a Wicket panel in order to be
> able to do that. (AFAIK WicketWebBeans does exactly that). 
Yes, there are a few projects out there you could use for a start. But 
providing your own solution  should be that difficult either.
> I could also use a RepeatingView I guess, but a RepeatingView expects to
> have a pre-defined html file with the html elements (or compound components)
> that you're going to be repeating, no? Thing is that in my case we don't
> know up ahead what kind of components we are goingt to get from the backend
> service, nor the number of them, or the order for that matter.
Use some repeater(s) combined with  your own compound panels,
DateFieldPanel, ComboPanel, etc.

If I were you I would try to define something abstract at the service
level and then bind these abstractions with some kind of component
factory that  knows how to read your abstractions. That way the same 
definitions could be used for swing. E.g. instead of

> Component: TextField

Type: simple-text| compund-text,...

That way you don't  bind your definition to a certain kind of component
but delegate this to the factory... So, you could replace it with
something different if need be. 
> I will keep on researching the ideas you guys have provided so far. 
> Thanks again...and Happy Holidays!
You are welcome



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