Thanks a lot. I will take a look. It seems like for some reason when hitting
the intercept page it creates a new session....therefore I cannot use the
session to store things to achieve the required communication between the

Basically I do want to use RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException.
 because of its return functionality....

So it seems I am kind of stuck...not here, not there...but thanks for
clearing it to me on my possibilities.

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 6:29 AM, David Leangen <> wrote:

> Since nobody has replied yet...
> You can do this with RestartResponseException but not
> RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException.
> The difference between the two is that the former will simply break the
> current path and restart somewhere else, I guess kinda like a goto
> statement. In the latter case, you break to somewhere to do some
> temporary processing, and return to the point you left off when that
> temporary processing is done, maybe like a subroutine. This is ideal,
> for example, for the login scenario.
> RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException was not designed to accept
> parameters, so you just can't do it that way.
> (As to why it was designed that way, you'll have to ask the people who
> designed it.)
> What you can do is set a meta key. So long as you remain within the same
> session, you can temporary store data to the session. It may not be
> exactly what you want (parameters), but it will allow you to accomplish
> the same thing.
> I.e. in org.apache.wicket.Session:
>  public final getMetaData(MetaDataKey key)
>  public final void setMetaData(MetaDataKey key, Serializable object)
> Good luck!
> =dml
> On Wed, 2008-12-31 at 18:58 +0200, Arie Fishler wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > First...Happy new year to everybody!
> >
> > I apologize for raising this question again as I did it in the past in
> some
> > other form but actually this was not really resolved for me.
> >
> > I am using RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException to redirect to some
> > sign-in page or similar.
> >
> > I think it was Martijn that mentioned that the default for the redirect
> is
> > that the QUERY STRING of the original message is passed to the sign-in
> page.
> > Still....I do not see this happening. I want to get the original query
> > string or at least be able to provide some parameters to that sign in
> page.
> > How do I achieve this?
> >
> > To make the issue clear I have this sequence.
> >
> >
> >
> > This does some logic and then throws
> RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException
> > which redirects to
> >
> > but what I wanted to get is
> >*?a=1&b=2<
> > *
> > or even add some of my own parameters*
> > ?a=1&b=2&c=3 <>*
> > **
> > Can anyone help?
> >
> > Thanks!!
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