Your planing something quite impressive here ... or frightening ;)

My comments:

Lucene/Hibernate Search
I'd strongly disagree in using neither Lucene directly nor Hibernate Search.
I'd give +1000 to Compass ( instead. I migrated
my projects completely from Hibernate Search to Compass and didn't regret it
a single second.

Doesn't Jackrabbit come wit Lucene integration itself?

I used Terracotta for a while. Don't know what you mean by "all across the
world", but I'd say that Terracotta was built with very low network latency
in mind. However, You will need *a lot* of users and page impressions until
you'll really need it (move stuff like search on dedicated machines, maybe
clustered with terracotta (compass comes with terracotta support)). 

Facebook Connect
I integrated a Wicket application with Facebook (
Feel free to contact me, if you're interested into that stuff.


tauren wrote:
> Happy new year!
> My team is in the preliminary stages of designing a large social
> wicket web application and I'm trying to identify a good set of
> existing tools and technologies that can be leveraged to simplify the
> development of this application.  I would love to hear the opinions
> and suggestions of other Wicket users.  Note that I want to use open
> source tools as much as possible.
> Here are some of the tools that I feel might help.  I realize this is
> a big list and may be off-topic, but am still interested in which
> technologies other Wicket developers have found work well with a
> Wicket app. I would appreciate any comments or opinions of these
> technologies as well as suggestions and alternatives that you feel
> would be worth my consideration.
> Wicket
> I assume no one here will object to this.  I plan to use version 1.4.
> First choice for database. I've used it MySQL more than any other
> database and it hasn't let me down.
> PostgreSQL
> Second choice for database.  I've used it less than MySQL, so
> additional time might be required to install, configure, and use it.
> Spring + Hibernate
> I'm comfortable with these technologies as I've been using them for a
> few years with Wicket.  But I'm certainly open to suggestions,
> opinions, etc.
> Hibernate Annotations
> Ive been using HBM files, but I'm thinking I should look into getting
> rid of my mapping files and put the mapping right into the pojos.  Is
> this the right call?
> Salve
> Never used it, but it appears many Wicket developers do.  Is it worth
> looking into?
> WicketWebBeans
> Might use this for rapid back-end UI development.  Besides rolling my
> own, are there other tools like this?
> Brix
> Jackrabbit
> Our application will need some heavy duty CMS features, and this
> project looks powerful enough to do the job.  Jackrabbit is used by
> Brix to store content.
> Lucene
> Hibernate Search
> I will need site-wide and data-wide search that encompasses all of the
> content on the site as well as the data in the application.  I'm not
> sure if these are the best tools for this job, as the content will be
> stored in Jackrabbit.  So I need to be able to search jackrabbit and
> my data and produce unified search results.  Ideas?
> Spring Security
> I haven't used either of these before so I'm not sure if they will
> solve my problem:
> This application will have many levels of roles and permissions.
> Users will belong to groups and can be assigned roles for a group that
> allow them to perform actions.  For instance, a standard user that
> belongs to a group can only view some data.  But if a user has
> additional roles assigned to them, then they will gain the ability to
> see other data, edit data, and so forth.  A user can belong to
> multiple groups, and may have different roles for each group.
> Shopping Cart
> Any good open source wicket shopping carts?  I have a homemade one
> that I did for a customer that I plan to start with.  But if something
> else exists, I'd love to hear about it.
> Amazon FPS
> This system provides a simple API that can be used to help one user
> pay another user for service, but allow the infrastructure provider
> (me) to take a cut out of the transaction.   It also supports
> micro-payments which I could use. The service fits the needs of my
> business model really well.  I've never used it, so does anyone have
> any horror stories, good things to say, alternative suggestions?
> Google Checkout
> PayPal
> Merchant account
> The system will also allow for the sale of products.  I want to give
> users a choice of method for accepting payments.  They can receive
> payments via Google Checkout, PayPal, or their own merchant account.
> If anyone knows of any tools that would help with this, please let me
> know.  Otherwise, I'll just use the APIs directly available from the
> payment systems.  I've already got Google Checkout integrated into
> another project.
> OpenID
> I want to be able to allow users to log in with an OpenID.  I
> understand Spring Security now has this built in.  But there are other
> ways to do it besides Spring.  Has anyone integrated OpenID before,
> and if so what tools did you use?
> Facebook Developer Program
> Facebook Connect
> I haven't really looked into these programs yet, but I'm looking for
> ways to support Facebook users.  It looks like I can get parts of our
> application to run within facebook.  But I'm also wanting to allow
> facebook users to log into my application and access data and
> information from FB.  For instance, my hope is that making connections
> with other users in my application can be simplified by utilizing the
> connections the user has on FB.
> OpenSocial
> This tool will help to create a social application platform that other
> developers can build on top of, create widgets for, and so forth.
> Also, this will allow my team to integrate our application into other
> opensocial platforms.
> OAuth
> To simplify authentication so I can allow access to my data from other
> services.
> Terracotta
> Never used it, but it looks good for clustering.  I need to figure out
> how to build this application in a way that I can run instances not
> only locally, but all across the world if necessary.  Thoughts?
> Scalability/Availability/Cloud Computing
> Amazon EC2 Elastic Cloud
> Amazon S3 storage
> Amazon CloudFront
> Joyent Accelerator
> We will be hosting the application ourselves initially (perhaps in
> xen, vbox, or openvz containers).  But we want to build it in a way
> that as it grows, we can easily launch new instances in the cloud.
> And so we can easily expand our disk storage needs as we grow. And if
> we get a lot of foreign users, we want to launch instances closer to
> them, etc.  However, I don't like having my  application married to
> Amazon and their APIs...  There are so many questions to answer here,
> and it is way off topic for Wicket.  But if anyone has thoughts,
> please let me know.
> jQuery
> I've used this a lot and am familiar with it.
> ExtJS
> Some of its components may be useful for my application.
> Thanks in advance!
> Tauren
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Stefan Fußenegger // looking for a nicer domain ;)
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