I've created a customized CnvHeaderToolbar which like HeadersToolbar extends AbstractToolbar. In addition to the header title, I also have inserted a triangle image that helps to display sort order and sort order direction. The problem I am having is that I have been unable to figure out how to reload CnvHeaderToolbar when an OrderByLink is clicked, so that the new sort order triangle image can be displayed. I've have also created custom CnvOrderByBorder and CnvOrderByLink objects. I have hooked into these two classes onClick/ onSortChanges, so that I have access to the AjaxRequestTarget from CnvOrderByLink in CnvHeaderToolbar. Below is some code:


protected WebMarkupContainer newSortableHeader(String headerId, String property, ISortStateLocator locator, PageParameters params, Class page) {
        return new CnvOrderByBorder(headerId, property, locator) {

            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            public void onClick() {
                System.out.println("In newSortableHeader: OnClick()");
                ((CnvDataTable) getTable()).setHeaderClicked(true);

            protected void onSortChanged(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
System.out.println("In newSortableHeader: OnSortChanged()");
                ((CnvDataTable) getTable()).setHeaderClicked(true);


The latest I error I got when trying to reload CnvHeaderToolbar in the onSortChanged() method above is:

"Ajax render cannot be called on component that has setRenderBodyOnly enabled."

Any advice on how to reload the HeadersToolbar? The actual sorting is working, it's just that the triangle images are not being reloaded. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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