Thanks Thijs, this works!

-- Benjamin

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 6:38 PM, Thijs Vonk <> wrote:

> This is an issue with Liferay (see
> You can probably fix it by making sure that portlet-name (in portlet.xml)
> and the wicketfilter mapping url-pattern are identical (portlet.xml &
> web.xml)
> On 2/5/09 4:30 PM, Benjamin Ernst wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am Testing the new Portlet 2.0 with Liferay and have some problems with
>> Ajax-calls.
>> I am using wicket 1.4-SNAPSHOT(Revision 741130) and Liferay Portal
>> Standard
>> Edition 5.2.1 (Augustine / Build 5201 / February 3, 2009).
>> I have a simple page with one label and one Ajaxlink:
>>  public HomePage(final PageParameters parameters) {
>>         final Label label = new Label("label", new
>> PropertyModel<Integer>(this, "value"));
>>         label.setOutputMarkupId(true);
>>         add(label);
>>         AjaxLink link = new AjaxLink("link")
>>         {
>>             @Override
>>             public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
>>                 value = value + 1;
>>                 target.addComponent(label);
>>             }
>>         };
>>         add(link);
>>     }
>> The portlet is shown correctly but when I click the Ajaxlink nothing
>> happens. In the Ajax-Debug-Log appears the following text:
>> INFO:
>> INFO: Initiating Ajax POST request on
>> http://localhost:8080/web/guest/home?random=0.9410006487742066
>> INFO: Invoking pre-call handler(s)...
>> INFO: Received ajax response (84 characters)
>> INFO:
>> The requested resource (/ACE_PortletTest-1.0-SNAPSHOT/portlettest/) is not
>> available
>> ERROR: Error while parsing response: Could not find root<ajax-response>
>> element
>> INFO: Invoking post-call handler(s)...
>> INFO: Invoking failure handler(s)...
>> This is the log form Java when the Ajax-Link is clicked:
>> DEBUG - 0-SNAPSHOT]                - servletPath=/ACETEST,
>> pathInfo=/invoke,
>> queryString=null, name=null
>> DEBUG - 0-SNAPSHOT]                -  Path Based Forward
>> DEBUG - WicketPortlet              - Portlet "RESOURCE_PHASE" for wicket
>> url:/portlettest/?wicket:interface=:0:link::IBehaviorListener:0:
>> DEBUG - 0-SNAPSHOT]                - servletPath=/portlettest/,
>> pathInfo=null, queryString=wicket:interface=:0:link::IBehaviorListener:0:,
>> name=null
>> DEBUG - 0-SNAPSHOT]                -  Path Based Include
>> DEBUG - WicketPortlet              - redirect url after inclusion:null
>> DEBUG - WicketPortlet              - end of request, wicket
>> url:/portlettest/?wicket:interface=:0:link::IBehaviorListener:0:
>> DEBUG - 0-SNAPSHOT]                -  Disabling the response for futher
>> output
>> DEBUG - 0-SNAPSHOT]                -  The Response is vehiculed using a
>> wrapper: com.liferay.portal.servlet.AbsoluteRedirectsResponse
>> Here is my web.xml and my portlet.xml:
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
>> <web-app xmlns=""; xmlns:xsi="
>>     xsi:schemaLocation="
>>     version="2.4">
>>     <display-name>ACE_PortletTest</display-name>
>>     <context-param>
>>         <param-name>org.apache.wicket.detectPortletContext</param-name>
>>         <param-value>true</param-value>
>>     </context-param>
>>     <context-param>
>>         <param-name>configuration</param-name>
>>         <param-value>development</param-value>
>>         <!-- param-value>deployment</param-value -->
>>     </context-param>
>>     <filter>
>>         <filter-name>wicket.ACE_PortletTest</filter-name>
>> <filter-class>org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WicketFilter</filter-class>
>>         <init-param>
>>             <param-name>applicationClassName</param-name>
>>             <param-value>de.acando.ace.WicketApplication</param-value>
>>         </init-param>
>>     </filter>
>>     <filter-mapping>
>>         <filter-name>wicket.ACE_PortletTest</filter-name>
>>         <url-pattern>/portlettest/*</url-pattern>
>>         <dispatcher>REQUEST</dispatcher>
>>         <dispatcher>FORWARD</dispatcher>
>>         <dispatcher>INCLUDE</dispatcher>
>>     </filter-mapping>
>> </web-app>
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <portlet-app xmlns="
>> xmlns:xsi=""; version="1.0"
>> xsi:schemaLocation="
>>   <portlet>
>>     <description>ACE Test</description>
>>     <portlet-name>ACETEST</portlet-name>
>>     <display-name>ACETEST</display-name>
>> <portlet-class>org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.portlet.WicketPortlet</portlet-class>
>>     <init-param>
>>       <name>wicketFilterPath</name>
>>       <value>/portlettest</value>
>>     </init-param>
>>     <supports>
>>       <mime-type>text/html</mime-type>
>>       <portlet-mode>VIEW</portlet-mode>
>>       <portlet-mode>EDIT</portlet-mode>
>>     </supports>
>>     <supports>
>>       <mime-type>text/xml</mime-type>
>>       <portlet-mode>VIEW</portlet-mode>
>>       <portlet-mode>EDIT</portlet-mode>
>>     </supports>
>>     <portlet-info>
>>       <title>ACE Portlet Test</title>
>>       <keywords>ACE Portlet Test</keywords>
>>     </portlet-info>
>>   </portlet>
>>   <container-runtime-option>
>>     <name>javax.portlet.escapeXml</name>
>>     <value>false</value>
>>   </container-runtime-option>
>> </portlet-app>
>> I have no idea whats wrong.
>> Thanks for any help in advance,
>> -- Benjamin
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