Create a panel with just the markup you need and switch them out with the isvisible based on the current language needed? Similar to the post for "Re: Adding/Replacing links in Panels" by Michael Sparer below. I use WebMarkupContainer, but I only have two states. 14 may get a little messy


Mathias P.W Nilsson wrote:

Just wondering how this should be handled without DRY.

In many scenarios we have multiple languages that should have the same
markup but different text. This could be handled by using variation and put
every language in an own html file like myWicketPage_style_en.html.

However, this is not the optimal way and I don't think variation is made for
this either. It would be very annoing having 14 different html files if we
have 14 different languages that we should support.
Sometimes the languages should look different ( not the same look. Different
positioning of elements ) and here we could use variation. As far as I'm
concerned this is not the right way of handling look and feel. Different css
should be used instead and then place position, coloring of the markup in a
css. The html file should be the same and the css should handle the layout. Take a look at
Every time I'm dealing with multiple languages the user wants bold, italic,
color in the text. Many times a list will appear just containing text. (
Nothing to do with extracting data from database and let wicket handle it )
This could be added in a properties file but then we would have bold tags,
italic and style tags in the properties file. If something should change we
need to go thru 14 properties files to change the markup in the properties.

Let's say we have the following text in many different languages. Some
markup is changed so you know what I mean.

<bold>Welcome to our company</bold><br><br>Here is some long
text.....<ul><li>some [BOLD]text[/BOLD]</li><li>other text</li></ul>

Now imaging this text to be very long.

Now, my question is this. How do you handle tagged markup for different
languages without repeating markup tags.

* Variation and the text in the html file.
* different properties file with markup in it
* Other technique?

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