That settings just triggers some code that checks if the pagemap name
is equal to the window name if that isnt the case then it does a
redict to a new page so that every browser window has its own pagemap

Why do you have that setting enabled? With the disk store it is not
really needed anymore

On 13/02/2009, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <> wrote:
> Johan Compagner escreveu:
>> if that happens then the newWindowBrowser detection is enabled and
>> executed.
>> This makes sure that a new tab or browser window (but same session) will
>> have there own pagemap
> I have "getPageSettings().setAutomaticMultiWindowSupport(true)". But why
> AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior would cause a redirection (I see the new url
> with the wicket:pageMapName/wicket-N in the browser). And each time I
> enter in the page, N is incremented. May be something wrong on wicket
> javascripts?
> Adriano
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