hrm, looks like johan changed it here

526472  4/7/07 12:13 PM 3       jcompagner      component initModel will not 
getModel on the parent, but will directly use the field (so that not
all kinds of inbetween models are created) if model is an iwrapmodel
and the wrapped modes is an inherited one then the model will be
cleared on detach Compound.getTarget() removed. Compound will not
unwrap in getObject() anymore AbstractPropertyModel will unwrap until
all models are processed

seems to me that the change breaks what i thought the contract of
initmodel was... we should discuss on dev, mind sending a message?


On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 10:08 AM, Willis Blackburn <> wrote:
> Igor,
> Are you sure that will work?  I don't think that SmallComponent's initModel
> method is ever called, because when the Label that is part of SmallComponent
> is searching for a model (in Component.initModel), it invokes the
> getModelImpl method of SmallComponent, which doesn't call initModel.  (The
> comment in the code says "Don't call getModel() that could initialize many
> in-between useless models."
> W
> On Feb 15, 2009, at 12:23 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
>> public class smallcomponent extends component {
>>  protected imodel initmodel() {
>>     imodel model=super.initmodel();
>>     return new compoundpropertymodel(model);
>>  }
>> }
>> -igor
>> On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 8:19 AM, Willis Blackburn <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have a situation that keeps coming up.  All of my solutions have seemed
>>> clumsy, which makes me think that there's a better way of approaching
>>> this
>>> that I just haven't figured out.  Can someone point me in the right
>>> direction?
>>> What I want is to have a Page that uses CompoundPropertyModel, and then
>>> include a component on that page that also uses CompoundPropertyModel.
>>>  So
>>> roughly it looks like this:
>>> public class BigObject {
>>>  public SmallObject get SmallObject() { ... }
>>> }
>>> public class SmallObject {
>>>  public String getName() { ... }
>>> }
>>> public class BigPage {
>>>  public BigPage(BigObject object) {
>>>      setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel(object));
>>>      add(new SmallComponent("smallObject"));
>>>  }
>>> }
>>> public class SmallComponent {
>>>  public SmallComponent() {
>>>      add(new Label("name"));
>>>  }
>>> }
>>> If I try to do just this, then I get an error because the label that's
>>> part
>>> of SmallComponent finds the BigPage model and fails because there's no
>>> property of BigObject called name.
>>> So obviously SmallComponent needs some model:
>>> public class SmallComponent {
>>>  public SmallComponent(IModel model) {
>>>      setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel(model));
>>>      add(new Label("name"));
>>>  }
>>> }
>>> But what model to give it?  I tried passing it new
>>> ComponentPropertyModel("smallObject"), which didn't work because
>>> ComponentPropertyModel implements IComponentAssignedModel and thus can't
>>> be
>>> directly wrapped in CompoundPropertyModel.  Adding a call to wrap() in
>>> the
>>> SmallComponent constructor fixed the problem, but I'm not sure if I can
>>> just
>>> call wrap and carry on or if there will be some unforeseen consequence of
>>> that down the road.  Is there a standard way of doing this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Willis
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