Of course, no sooner do I post this, i find the problem.

Since I dumped code on you folks, here is the working replacement in case anyone has a need for this.

- Brill

On 26-Feb-09, at 11:38 AM, Brill Pappin wrote:

I've got a custom component based on the TabPanel where instead of updating the panel content it actually calls a setResponsePage(Page).

However after setting the first tab, a click on any other tab renders the new page just fine except that the page for tab 0 is also rendered, and I mean the entire HTML template not just the body so i end up with <html>...</html><html>...</html> in the response.

in case your wondering why, this is used with a inherited page template model so the tabs are in the base page. I'll include the source here for anyone that wants to take a look, because I'm stumped after several hours today. As will be apparent, its a copy of the TabPanel classes with mods to the ITab etc to handle pages (once/if it works, it can be added to the base wicket lib if people think it's useful).

All thats missing to to get the darn thing not to render zero'th tab at the same time.

- Brill
< PageTabbedPanel .java><IPageTab.java><AbstractPageTab.java><PageTabbedPanel.html>

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