I've already try that. It didn't work.
But maybe I'm doing something wrong ...

Here's the page code :

private DemandeUnitaire demande;
private GererMesLignesUnitForm myForm;
private AjaxTabbedPanel tabPanel;
private Panel currentPanel;

public GererMesLignesUnitPage(int selectedTab, Object infosToShow) {
if (selectedTab == 1) 
        demande = (DemandeUnitaire) infosToShow;

myForm = new GererMesLignesUnitForm("recherche", new CompoundPropertyModel
(new DemandeUnitaire()));
List tabs = new ArrayList();

tabs.add(new PanelCachingTab(
        new AbstractTab(new Model("first tab")) {
                private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
                public Panel getPanel(String panelId) { 
                        Panel p = new TabPanel1(panelId);
                        FeedbackPanel feedback = new FeedbackPanel("msgs"
                        return p;
) {
        public Panel getPanel(final String panelId) {
                return super.getPanel(panelId); 

tabs.add(new PanelCachingTab(
        new AbstractTab(new Model("second tab")) {
                private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
                public Panel getPanel(String panelId) { 

                        Panel p = new TabPanel2(panelId);
                        p.add(new Label("statut", demande.getStatut()));
                      p.add(new Label("numMachine", demande

                        HeaderContributor alert = new HeaderContributor(
                                new IHeaderContributor() {
                                        public void 
renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {
                        p.add(HeaderContributor.forJavaScript( LIB_JS ));
                        return p;
) {
        public Panel getPanel(final String panelId) {
                return super.getPanel(panelId); 

De :
Igor Vaynberg <igor.vaynb...@gmail.com>
27/02/2009 17:27
Objet :
Re: [AjaxTabbedPanel] Switching between form and result tab

use panelcachingtab instead of abstracttab


2009/2/27  <valery.ch...@steria.com>:
> Hi,
> Anyone have an idea on the matter below ?
> Cheers,
> Val
> De :
> valery.ch...@steria.com
> A:
> users@wicket.apache.org
> Date:
> 26/02/2009 14:11
> Objet :
> [AjaxTabbedPanel] Switching between form and result tab
> Hi,
> I have an AjacTabbedPanel with two tabs.
> The first tab is a form which, when submitted, show the result on the
> second tabs.
> So far, everything's fine.
> I want to keep the input from the form after the submit so that the user
> can come back to the first tab and have a look at what the crierias was
> and maybe to modify them to make another request.
> But I need to be able switch back to the second tab and keep records of
> the result if the user didn't resubmit the form.
> I've search through the mailing list and the solution that come up most
> often is to override newLink to return an ajaxSubmitLink. But I don't
> think that's the solution for me since the form is only on the first
> panel.
> Cheers,
> Valery
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