Here is the source code without tabs:

/* advanced search link */
add(new AjaxSubmitLink("advancedSearch") {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 3847759110695405700L;

        protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {
                advancedSearch = !advancedSearch;
}.add(new NonCachingImage("expandCollapse", new Model<String>() {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 3430522655787763141L;

        public String getObject() {
                return advancedSearch ? "/img/collapse.gif" : "/img/expand.gif";

I hope it's more readable this way :-)


Zhubin Salehi wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I have a similar problem that NonCachingImage does not solve. I have
> implemented a simple expand/collapse button. I check the rendered page
> source in FireFox and image name is always "/img/expand.gif". Here is the
> code:
>                       /* advanced search link */
>                       add(new AjaxSubmitLink("advancedSearch") {
>                               private static final long serialVersionUID = 
> 3847759110695405700L;
>                               @Override
>                               protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget 
> target, Form<?> form) {
>                                       advancedSearch = !advancedSearch;
>                                       target.addComponent(findUserAcountForm);
>                               }
>                       }.add(new NonCachingImage("expandCollapse", new 
> Model<String>() {
>                               private static final long serialVersionUID = 
> 3430522655787763141L;
>                               @Override
>                               public String getObject() {
>                                       return advancedSearch ? 
> "/img/collapse.gif" : "/img/expand.gif";
>                               }
>                       })));
> Thanks,
> Zhubin
> Marco Santos wrote:
>> Hello there!
>> I'm with problems refreshing an Image. On my web application i'm trying
>> to refresh or change an Image that is on a Panel. On the panel there is a
>> Image (it is rendered the first time) and a label. Outside the panel i
>> have AjaxLink's (that are images too) that refresh the panel, and
>> consequently the components on it, the image and the label. when the link
>> is clicked, the label e refreshed with the new text, but the image still
>> the same. The code is the following:
>> /**
>>  *The Panel with the image to be refreshed:
>>  *(the label on the panel is freshed when the link is pressed.
>>  **/
>> public class PhotoPanel extends Panel {
>>     /** Creates a new instance of PhotoPanel*/    
>>     public PhotoPanel(String id, byte[] photoData, int size, Integer
>> index) {
>>         super(id);
>>         setOutputMarkupId(true);
>>         MyImage mainPhoto = new MyImage("mainPhoto", photoData,
>> size);//component that extends Image
>>         mainPhoto.setOutputMarkupId(true);
>>         Label label = new Label("index", "MYLABEL: " + index.toString());
>>         add(mainPhoto);
>>         add(label);
>>     }
>> }
>> /** 
>>  * The AjaxLink's on a Parent panel that holds a panel with the links,
>> and the panel with the image
>>  * to be refreshed
>>  **/
>> private class PhotoSlideLink extends AjaxLink {
>>         private byte[] photoSlideData = null;
>>         Integer index = 0;
>>         public PhotoSlideLink(String id, byte[] photoSlideData ) {
>>             super(id);
>>             this.photoSlideData = photoSlideData ;
>>             MyImage photoSlide = new MyImage("photoSlide", photoSlideData
>> , 100);
>>             add(photoSlide );
>>         }
>>         @Override
>>         public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget ajaxRequestTarget) {
>>             Panel newMainPhotoPanel = new PhotoPanel("mainPhotoPanel",
>> photoSlideData , MAIN_PHOTO_SIZE, index++);
>>             newMainPhotoPanel .setOutputMarkupId(true);
>>             /*the first PhotoPanel created when the page was loaded*/
>>             mainPhotoPanel.replaceWith(newMainPhotoPanel);
>>             mainPhotoPanel= newMainPhotoPanel ;
>>             ajaxRequestTarget.addComponent(newMainPhotoPanel);
>>         }
>>     }
>> Does any one know why refreshing the panel, the label change, but not the
>> image? Am i forgetting to do something? 
>> Thanks a lot 

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