When I debug the app, I can see that getObject() is being called for subgenrefield, only selectedGenre == null. I also put a breakpoint in convertInput() inside the GenreFieldSwithPanel, but it doesn't pass it. Shouldn't it use that to determine what the new value of the model will be?


Linda van der Pal wrote:
That is in fact the type of behavior I am using. Here's a bit of the code:

           // The subgenre-field
IModel<List<Subgenre>> subgenreModel = new AbstractReadOnlyModel<List<Subgenre>>() {
               public List<Subgenre> getObject() {
                   List<Subgenre> subgenres = new ArrayList<Subgenre>();
                   if (selectedGenre != null){
                       // Fetch the subgenres based on selectedGenre
                        subgenres = ...
                   return subgenres;
final FieldSwitchPanel subgenrefield = new SubgenreFieldSwitchPanel("subgenre", subgenreModel);
                               // The genre-field
           // fetch the genres
           List<DomainObject> genres = ...
final FieldSwitchPanel genrefield = new GenreFieldSwitchPanel("genre", genres, new PropertyModel<DomainObject>(this, "selectedGenre")); genrefield.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange") {
               protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {

The problem is that selectedGenre stays null. So I'm looking for the cause of that. My guess is that it is because the model isn't updated. (I did implement convertInput() in GenreFieldSwitchPanel, which extends FormComponentPanel.)


jWeekend wrote:

Take a look at AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior.

Regards - Cemal
http://jWeekend.com jWeekend

Linda van der Pal wrote:
I have a FormComponentPanel that contains a TextField and a DropDownChoice. Of those two only one is visible at any moment. (The TextField is there for when the DropDownChoice doesn't offer the wanted result.) On the panel that contains the FormComponentPanel, I want another element to respond to any change in the FormComponentPanel (most importantly if the user selects something from the DropDownChoice). I have added ajax behavior to the component, but the model isn't updated, so when I debug the onChange method of the behavior, I find that the object in the model is null. How do I get it to update properly?

Linda van der Pal

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