
I've written a component which provides bookmarkable links for a tabbed panel. 
The link to the currend tab is disabled and the url to the default tab contains 
no tab information to keep URLs short. 

It works so far, but since this is my first wicket component I'd like to know 
your suggestions to improve the code.

A possible improvement could be to replace the tab number by its name. So they 
would look like 
http://some.url/app/PageX?tab=edit instead of 
But to do this, it would be necessary to generate a map containing the tab 
names as keys and their indexes as values. This would be done on every request, 
because the tabbed panel is regenerated on every request. Is there a way to 
avoid the regeneration of the map? Maybe tab names in URLs are not really 
important, but I think a user would prefer a self-explanatory words in URLs.

I tried to use getPage().getPageParameters() in the constructor, but getPage() 
didn't work there. It works in the newLink(...) method. Why does it not work in 
the constructor? 

Another question is: Is it a good idea to use this function within a component? 
If it is not a good idea, I have to add a page argument to the constructor 
instead of using getPage() in the newLink(...) method.

May this component be incompatible with other strategies than 
MixedParamUrlCodingStrategy? If this component is universal I'd like to 
contribute it to the wicket extensions sub project.

package com.helmbold.wicket.components;

import java.util.List;
import org.apache.wicket.PageParameters;
import org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.tabs.ITab;
import org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.tabs.TabbedPanel;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebMarkupContainer;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.link.BookmarkablePageLink;

public class BookmarkableTabbedPanel extends TabbedPanel

    private PageParameters pageParameters;
    private String tabParameterName = "tab";
    private int defaultTabIndex = 0;

   * Using this constructor the following defaults take effect:
   * <ul>
   *    <li>tabParameterName = "tab"</li>
   *    <li>defaultTabIndex = 0</li>
   * </ul>
     * @param id component id
     * @param tabs list of ITab objects used to represent tabs
   * @param pageParameters Container for parameters to a requested page. A
   * parameter for the selected tab will be inserted.
  public BookmarkableTabbedPanel(
          String id,
          List<ITab> tabs,
          PageParameters pageParameters)
    super(id, tabs);
    this.pageParameters = pageParameters;
    if (pageParameters.containsKey(tabParameterName))
      String tab = pageParameters.getString(tabParameterName);

     * @param id component id
     * @param tabs list of ITab objects used to represent tabs
     * @param defaultTabIndex Set the tab to by displayed by default. The url
     * for this tab will not contain any tab specific information. If you want 
     * display the first tab by default, you can use the constructor without 
     * parameter.
   * @param pageParameters Container for parameters to a requested page. A
   * parameter for the selected tab will be inserted.
    public BookmarkableTabbedPanel(
        String id, 
        List<ITab> tabs,
        int defaultTabIndex,
        String tabParameterName,
    PageParameters pageParameters)
        this(id, tabs, pageParameters);
        this.defaultTabIndex = defaultTabIndex;
        this.tabParameterName = tabParameterName;

  protected WebMarkupContainer newLink(String linkId, int index)
    if (index == defaultTabIndex)
      pageParameters.put(tabParameterName, "" + index);    
    WebMarkupContainer link = new BookmarkablePageLink(
            linkId, getPage().getClass(), pageParameters);
    if (index == getSelectedTab())
    return link;



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