iirc shindig is an open social container, maybe that is easy to
integrate? And there are several facebook examples on the wiki.


On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 1:31 AM, Tauren Mills <tau...@tauren.com> wrote:
> Are there any existing open source projects that could help reduce the
> effort of integrating social communication features into a site?
> I've read through the archives and noticed several conversations about
> building a wicket-based forum.  I believe Uwe started a google code
> project, but it looks like it hasn't really gone anywhere.  Nino asked
> about integrating JForum and Toto had some suggestions for him.  But I
> didn't find much else.  Are there any wicket-specific forums out
> there?  Would it be best to just use JForum?
> What about Facebook style profile feeds, wall-to-wall type of
> communication?  Or live chat, either Facebook style, Live Person
> style, or otherwise?
> Thanks,
> Tauren
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