
what would be your prefered way to secure a Wicket 1.4 application? 

"Spring Security and Wicket-auth-roles" seems to be outdated. This project 
suggests to use Wicket-Security. So it is presumably not the best idea to use 

Wicket-Security seems also to be not up to date and supports only Wicket 1.3. 
Somewhere I've read that a version of Wicket-Security for Wicket 1.4 exists in 
a SVN repository. Maybe that makes Wicket-Security a candidate. But this 
framework looks quite complicated to me - WiComSec, WASP, Hive, SWARM sounds 
confusing. Is Wicket-Security limited to use JAAS permissions?
I don't like JAAS very much ...

My first impression is, that it is easier to write custom authentication and 
authorization, than to use Wicket-Security. How are your experiences?


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