If you would have taken of at 14:35
you would have had time to drop by the tate galery.

beyond that I'd also like to thank Cemal and Al organizing that event and even helping with peoples traveling plans. I wonder how many people would have showed up if the G20 were not arround.

Thank you guys!


Am 02.04.2009 um 15:09 schrieb Martijn Dashorst:

It definitely is an event worth visiting. I had a blast, and enjoyed
every minute of it (except for travelling back at 5am).

Great crowd, finally being able to meet, greet, and drink beers with
luminaries such as Cemal and Al.

I hope we can create such an atmosphere over the world for the Wicket events.


(feeling quite tired now after ~3 hours of sleep)

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 1:27 PM, Yiannis Mavroukakis
<imavrouka...@gameaccount.com> wrote:

Just wanted to thank everyone involved for another excellent evening :-) The presentations from everyone were very informative, I especially enjoyed Martijn Dashorst's presentation of what can be achieved with Wicket, and Al Maw for the fastest trying-to-drum-API-sense-into-you tutorial ever ;-)


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