Hi Martin

I had a similiar problem a while ago - I solved it by copying that class - it was the fastest thing to do. However, feel free to post a bug report about removal of these final modifiers for the next version. They already removed some final's in the CLASS definition of these buttons for 1.3.5 on my request - I also think they just don't make any sense.


Martin Tilma wrote:

Thnx for the reply, but your solutions won't fix my problem because the isEnabled in FinishButton is implemented like this:

     * @see org.apache.wicket.Component#isEnabled()
    public final boolean isEnabled()
        IWizardStep activeStep = getWizardModel().getActiveStep();
return (activeStep != null && getWizardModel().isLastStep(activeStep));



jcgarciam wrote:
I guess, you can try to override protected void onBeforeRender() and make
something like:

protected void onBeforeRender(){

Martin Tilma wrote:

I have a Wizard with a FinishButton. I want the button always be enabled. Because the method isEnabled is final I cant override it.

I think coping the button and change the isEnabled method to always return true is a bit ugly. What is de best way to do it?



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