Hi to all!
I am new to Wicket and am beginning to love it.
I have the following question:
There's the following markup:

            <a href="#" wicket:id="clickAjaxLink">This Ajax link</a> has
been clicked <span wicket:id="clickAjaxLabel">[123]</span> times.<br/>
            <span wicket:id="ghost">[VISIBLE ONLY WHEN LINK WAS CLICKED AT
LEAST ONCE]</span>
and the following corresponding Java code:

public class HelloPage extends WebPage {

    int counter;
    Label ghostLabel;
    Label clickLabel;

    public HelloPage() {

        add(new AjaxFallbackLink("clickAjaxLink") {
            public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
                if(target != null) {

        // clickLabel displays how many times the link was clicked
        clickLabel = new Label("clickAjaxLabel", new PropertyModel(this,

       // ghostLabel should be visible only when the link was clicked at
least once
       ghostLabel = new Label("ghost", "I should be visible only when the
link was clicked at least once") {
           public boolean isVisible() {
               return counter > 0;


clickLabel works properly and displays the value of counter. But my aim with
ghostLabel is that it is visible only when the AjaxFallbackLink was clicked
at least once. I added it to the request target so that it should be
updated. However, it remains invisible. How can I solve this problem?

Thanks in advance!

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