Hi all,First of all, I'm using wicket 1.3.5

I'm writing a model and ai need it to be "chaineable". I mean, I need this
model to contain another model, so my model can obtain the data, for
example, from a property model.
Ok, I've been reading and this is solved by the IChainingModel.

But I couldn't find any default implementation of this interface.
There are two classes currently implementing this interface,
AbstractPropertyModel and CompoundPropertyModel.
Both classes has some code duplicated, specifically:
- void detach()
- IModel getChainedModel()
- void setChainedModel(IModel model)
- some lines of void setObject(Object object)
- the code in CompuntPropertyModel#getObject() and
AbstarctPropertyModel#getTarget() is different, but the logic is the same.

And I'm afraid my code will be the same as those classes.

So, finally, my point.
Is there any default implementation of this behavior? Is there a chance to
add a super-class with this code?

Juan Arias

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