> 1. Set an instance variable in the base page called basePageName

You don't need a variable - all you need is a getter:

public IModel<String> getPageTitleModel() {
  return new Model("ApplicationName");

> 2. Use a Label to set the title in the base page

Exactly, like this:

add(new Label("pageTitle", getPageTitleModel());

> 3. Let child pages append their part to the Label

public IModel<String> getPageTitleModel() {
  return new Model("ApplicationName - Cool Page");

Another approach (this way you handle localization and don't have to
override anything in your pages):

public IModel<String> getPageTitleModel() {
  return new StringResourceModel(this.getClass().getSimpleName() +
".PageTitle", this, null);

and put

CoolPage.PageTitle=ApplicationName - Cool Page Title

into your application properties file.

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