We have an issue where we are using a CMS that provides an API for
getting article components in a peculiar way: Links are sent over as a
raw HTML "element" followed by a "link element" followed by the rest of
the HTML. So a link like <a href="http://foo/fie";> is sent as 
1. HTML: <a href="
2. Link: EXTERNAL, http://foo/fie
3. HTML: ">

Now, some of these links are article ids that we want to turn into
wicket-extensions breadcrumb links in a BreadCrumbBar. Using the
BreadCrumbLink does not work since we don't actually have a HTML
template element to apply the Link to. 

Is there a way to use urlFor() or the like to create links that updates
the breadcrumb model with our BreadCrumbPanel subclass for the linked
id, i.e. IBreadCrumbModel.setActive(new ArticlePanel(...))?

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Senior systemutvikler
Arrive AS
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