Hi all,I wanted to check with you if my reasoning is ok.

I have my model object, bound to some controls displayed in the page using
I also have one ajax event (using a simple AjaxLink).

When the user clicks this ajax link, some components in the page are added
to the ajax target in order to be updated.
And the components linked to my model object resets to their original

This is happening because there is no submission of information from
browser, that's ok.

One possible solution to this is to add a form component, surrounding my
components. And replace the AjaxLink with a AjaxSubmitLink.
That would submit information from the form in the browser, update my model,
and finally render the components updated.

Finally, the question: Is there any other option to do this? Does wicket
have some component to send information via ajax without a form?

Form submission is the regular way to send information from browser to
server, in regular (no ajax) pages.
I understand that AjaxSubmitLink doesn't submit the whole page, only the
form, and that's nice.
But i wonder if there is some alternate way to link properties to

Thanks in advance!

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