I'm just getting my feet wet with Wicket and OpenJPA.  I've got the
basics of both and have started prototyping parts of an upcoming
project in each and everything was going great.  Then I tried to put
the two technologies together and hit a wall.  I'd written the
OpenJPA pieces in a standalone application.  Moving to a web container
(Tomcat), I saw a recommendation to annotate the servlet code with
something like:
    @PersistenceUnit private EntityManagerFactory emf;

Of course, with Wicket, we don't write a servlet.......and now I'm
drawing a blank as to where I should go next?.  I'm guessing I'm not
the first to get here...does anyone have a recommendation for what
direction I should be going next?


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Chris Merrill                           |  Web Performance, Inc.
ch...@webperformance.com                |  http://webperformance.com
919-433-1762                            |  919-845-7601

Website Load Testing and Stress Testing Software & Services
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