I like these kind of monologs, I often do them myself also known as
parrot talks :) We both need to remember not to do them too often, if
too often then we end up in a room with soft walls :)

regards Nino

2009/5/4 Kaspar Fischer <fisch...@inf.ethz.ch>:
> I intended to post the following questions but found the answer myself,
> finally.
> I post it anyway in the hope that it helps others.
> Kaspar Fischer almost posted the following:
>> My app takes quite some time to start up, so I don't want changes to my
>> Wicket HTML or Wicket Java files to cause Tomcat to completely "reload" the
>> web app. Is it (at all) possible that only the changed Wicket
>> HTML/Java/.properties file get reloaded and the rest (Spring beans, etc.)
>> stays?
> Yes. It is working for HTML, Java, and .properties files under Eclipse with
> WTP and Tomcat.
>> I am a little confused about the terms used in this context. Here's how I
>> see; please correct me if I am wrong.
>> - Hotswapping means replacing a given class implementation with another
>> one.
>> - Publishing (as seen in the server configuration panel in Eclipse when
>> clicking on a Tomcat server in the "Servers" view) means shutting a webapp
>> down and restarting it, hithout actually shutting Tomcat down.
> I can't answer myself on this. But I guess it's more or less fine ;-)
>> There is also an option "Update context paths" in the Tomcat Server
>> configuration panel (under "Publishing"). Is it related?
> It is checked in my set up but I don't know whether it is related.
>> Finally, *how* can I get Tomcat/Eclipse/Wicket to only reload Wicket
>> HTML/Java/.properties files that changed? In particular, I am unsure whether
>> I have to:
>> - "Debug" instead of "Run" the server (i.e., click "Debug" in the Eclipse
>> "Servers" view)?
> With "Debug" it works.
>> - Should the server have "Automatically publish when resources change"
>> selected (in the server's configuration panel in Eclipse)?
> I have this checkbox checked.
>> - What Tomcat <Context> configuration must I use? I currently have
>> something like:
>>        <Context docBase="myproject" path="/myproject" reloadable="true"
>> source="org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.server:myproject"/>
> This works for me.
>> - In the server's configuration panel, in tab "Modules", should I check
>> "Auto reloading enabled"?
> No. Otherwise Tomcat reloads the *whole* webapp.
>> I know that Wicket must be running in development mode.
> I think so, too ;-)
>> Many thanks for any pointers and sharing your settings!
> Kaspar, you're welcome.
>> Kaspar
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