that kind of conversion should go into ichoicerenderer implementation.
the converter is used to convert between browser's "on"/"" values to
true and false.

this is the sig of the constructor from 1.4, hopefully generics will
clear up how this works for you

public RadioChoice(final String id, IModel<T> model, final List<?
extends T> choices, IChoiceRenderer<T> renderer)

in your case T is Boolean.


On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 2:18 PM, james o'brien <> wrote:
> I have a custom converter registered for Boolean.class that converts "yes"
> to Boolean(true) and "no" to Boolean(false).  When the RadioChoice loads the
> converter is never called.
> <code>
> private static final List<String> IRREGULAR_HEARTBEAT =
> Arrays.asList(newString[] {
> "yes", "no" });
> RadioChoice irregular = new RadioChoice("irregularHeartbeat",
> newPropertyModel(bloodPressure,
> "irregularHeartbeat"), IRREGULAR_HEARTBEAT).setSuffix(" ");
> BloodPressure Object:
> public Boolean isIrregularHeartbeat() {
> return bloodPressure.isIrregularHeartbeat();
> }
> public void setIrregularHeartbeat(Boolean value) {
> bloodPressure.setIrregularHeartbeat(value);
> }
> </code>
> Thanks,
> --jim

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