> The clean way in my case is as Steve suggested , to use css to display the
> image for button.

Thanks for all the inputs. Sorry this has dragged out a bit.

In my case, I am not sharing static resources across apps. I'm just looking
at the best way for each page in my application to retrieve each of the
core, application-wide, application-specific, static resource files (js,
css, gif, jpg, etc). I might have common.css, header.css, footer.css. Maybe
that falls under "keep it with the source" -- which works just fine / albeit
somewhat limiting.

So maybe the point is moot and <wicket:link/> is the solution for my case. I
think physically dropping files in webapp/**/*.css is just fine. I'm really
just suggesting the idea of making a robust, infallible way to refer to them
that can be written and included just once (in an abstract BaseLayoutPage)
and never talked about again :) ... and was entertaining the idea of using
the webapp/ directory for this.

The suggested IHeaderContributor solution has a few problems in my case. If
a developer adds a page 6 mos from now and mounts it to a new, arbitrary
URL, */products/cable/offer* - I'd like the css files to all show up -
automatically. Unfortunately, IHeaderContributor will not dynamically refer
to the original css/styles.css pages. The paths are just echo'd as entered
which means ... the single css isn't found.

My other made up example - if Wicket (for whatever reason) decides that 1.5
should default to RESTful URLs, would also break anywhere people were
hardcoding <link href="css/styles.css" ... since the new RESTful URLs
wouldn't look in the proper location.

On the other hand, <wicket:link/> continues to work through all of these
changes - with no effort or manual management.

My initial posts/examples were around <c:url value="/css/styles.css"/> when
included on base base pages, always works no matter what page the user has
navigated to ... no matter how deep or shallow the url is. It creates an
ABSOLUTE path that simply prepends the context the app is deployed to
(which, is free to change or go to root).

For what its worth, I think that provides some amount of value to my app.

For my specific case, I think Igor's suggestion of a tag like
<wicket:context/> hit the nail on the head. I can't tell if the other
suggestions here are just workarounds or really trying to address my
specific use case. IHeaderContribute (thanks for including) doesn't actually
do much more than hardcode a fixed path in the  markup.

Incidentally, I looked - and man, there are alot of pieces to <wicket:link/>
:-) Is there an online tutorial for, not just writing components, but
implementing a markup component like <wicket:link/>?

Ahhhh ... thanks,


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