I have a minor question regarding the FeedbackPanel.

I'd like to have the panel display a subtle red background on ERROR and a
subtle green background on INFO. Obviously there can be more than one LI -
but assuming its all errors or info ... using css on the LI isn't enough.
For instance, the LI bullet shows up outside of the LI background. The css
background color therefore needs to be on the UL of the resulting:

  <ul wicket:id="feedbackul" class="feedbackPanel">
    <li wicket:id="messages" class="feedbackPanelINFO">
      <span wicket:id="message" class="feedbackPanelINFO">Login
failed. Please try again.</span>

Unfortunately, error or info, I the FeedbackPanel only uses "feedbackPanel"
as the style and can't really make the background consistent with the
general notice being displayed.

Is there an easy way around this? I guess I want to make the UL green or
red, depending on the type of message being displayed (understanding that
more than one type can be displayed).


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